On the iPhone, pasta and cancer →

Federico Viticci:

I’ve been struggling to get back in shape after chemo.

Since being diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma (Stage IV) in late 2011, my life changed. Beyond the psychological and emotional consequences of how cancer affected me, my family, and my relationships, it is undeniable and abundantly clear that cancer took its toll on me from a physical perspective.

Last year, I decided to regain control of my body, my life habits, and my health. I started tracking everything I could about my activities, my exercise routine, the food I ate, and the time I spent working with my iPad instead of walking, sleeping, or enjoying time with my family. Since then, I’ve made a decision to not let cancer and its consequences define me any longer.

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I’ve known Federico was working on this article, and when I read an early draft, I was blown away. When people think about catastrophic diseases, they often think about the medical stuff, but the truth is things like cancer have long-lasting, wide-reaching ramifications.

Federico tackled these things head on, using technology to improve his post-chemo life. His story is an inspiring and touching article that blends hard work and determination with apps and services in a way that only the iPhone makes possible.