Big Week

On Monday, Relay FM went live. We published the first episode of each of our five shows first thing in the morning.

Myke interviewed Marco Arment on Inquisitive, we spoke about the history of the iPod on Connected while the Nintendo DS and PS 4 were the topics of choice on Virtual.

Since Analog(ue) with Casey Liss is a new show, he and Myke spoke about launching things. However on the venerable Pen Addict podcast, Myke and Brad jumped right back in.

While we had planned on re-directing our old 5by5 feeds, we ran into some technical issues, and decided it was best for everyone if we simply started with new feeds. Thankfully, the awesome developers behind apps like Overcast, Pocketcasts, Instacast and Castro were all very supportive, featuring us in their directories and helping us test things before launch.

Monday afternoon, Relay FM was featured in the iTunes Store:

All of this means that Relay FM has had a very, very healthy week, but that simply wouldn’t be possible without our listeners. Our inboxes and Twitter clients are full of encouragement, and our shows are all highly-ranked in the iTunes charts.

(Speaking of that, reviewing the shows in iTunes is one of the best ways for new people to find us. If you have a second, help us out.)

Next week, we get back to the business of making our shows. Almost everything will stream live, which is both exciting and a little terrifying, but we’re ready to get back behind the mic and create some awesome stuff.